Sunday, January 26, 2020
Analysing The Pardoner In Canterbury Tales
Analysing The Pardoner In Canterbury Tales The Pardoner in the Canterbury Tales is hypocritical, gluttenous, vindictive, and spiteful towards others; he is morally and spiritually corrupt in the extreme. He does, however, tell a tale that, as he promises it shall be in the section that precedes his prologue, a valid sermon against avarice and greed. When Harry Bailey speaks at the end of the Pardoners Tale, he does not reject the tale but the teller, the Pardoner. Chaucer the poet aptly presents the Pardoner as a skilled orator and conman and he deliberately illustrates that it is possible for a character far beyond redemption to tell a moral tale. The Pardoner tells a moral tale against avarice, gluttony, and the love of money. The latter is a theme that the Pardoner says is always central to his sermons, citing the Latin, the love of money is the root of all evil. The origin of the tale, which was part of common folklore in Chaucers day, is an Oriental myth. The three rioters who are central to the tale, damn themselves literally and metaphorically. They betray each other over gold and their desire for it. They also drink and gamble excessively. Upon learning that an old friend of theirs has died, they further damn themselves by going in search of death. The Pardoner tells a tale, however, that is both instructive and valid as a sermon because it is loaded with advice against drunkeness and gluttony. The Pardoner cites examples of stories from the Bible, too, to illustrate the dangers of drunkenness (Solomon and John the Baptist; Lot and his daughters) and gluttony (Adam and Eve). There can be no doubt that the tale is moral. The Pardoner professes himself that although he is a ful vicious man, he can still tell a moral tale. The Pardoner as a character, an individual, and a typification of a group of professional churchmen is entirely amoral and, despite telling a moral tale, Chaucer uses various markers to illustrate why he cannot be trusted or accepted on any level. One of the most telling qualities that Chaucer gives the character of the Pardoner is rhetorical skill. The characteristic essential for Chaucer to illustrate that the teller of the tale cannot be accepted is arrogance. The question of authority is central to the Pardoners tale and its significance both seperated fro and as part of The Canterbury Tales. As the Pardoner is such a skilled orator, Chaucer implies, using the Pardoner and also by selecting Harry Bailey, one of the most astue of the pilgrims and a conman himself, to expose him and silence him so he cannot speak a word more. Apparently deeply affected by the Physicians sad and gruesome tale of Virginia, the Host praises the Physician by using as many medical terms as he can muster. However, he rejects the Physicians moral to the tale and substitutes one of his own: Thus the gifts of fortune and nature are not always good (The gifts of Fortune and Nature have been the cause of the death of many a person). Thinking that the pilgrims need a merry tale to follow, the Host turns to the Pardoner. The more genteel members of the company, fearing that the Pardoner will tell a vulgar story, ask the Pardoner for a tale with a moral. The Pardoner then explains to the pilgrims the methods he uses in preaching. His text is always Radix malorum est cupidatis (Love of money is the root of all evil). Always employing an array of documents and objects, he constantly announces that he can do nothing for the really bad sinners and invites the good people forward to buy his relics and, thus, absolve themselves from sins. Then he stands in the pulpit and preaches very rapidly about the sin of avarice so as to intimidate the members into donating money. He repeats that his theme is always Money is the root of all evil because, with this text, he can denounce the very vice that he practices: greed. And even though he is guilty of the same sins he preaches against, he can still make other people repent. The Pardoner admits that he likes money, rich food, and fine living. And even if he is not a moral man, he can tell a good moral tale, which follows. In Flanders, at the height of a black plague, three young men sit in an inn, eating and drinking far beyond their power and swearing oaths that are worthy of damnation. The revelers mark the passing of a coffin and ask who has died., A servant tells them that the dead man was a friend who was stabbed in the back the night before by a thief called Death. The young revelers, thinking that Death might still be in the next town, decide to seek him out and slay him. On the way, the three men meet an old man who explains that he must wander the earth until he can find someone willing to exchange youth for old age. He says that not even Death will take his life. Hearing him speak of Death, the revelers ask where they can find Death, and the old man directs them to a tree at the end of the lane. The revelers rush to the tree and find eight bushels of gold coins, which they decide to keep. They decide to wait for night to move the gold and draw straws to see which one will go into town to get food and wine. The youngest of the three draws the shortest straw. When he leaves, the two others decide to kill him and divide his money. The youngest, however, wanting the treasure to himself, buys poison, which he adds to two of the bottles of wine he purchases. When the youngest reveler approaches the tree, the two others stab him and then sit down to drink the wine before they dispose of his body. Thus, all three indeed find Death. Commentary From the Pardoners perspective, the Physician told a cheaply pious story and the Host, a sanctimonious fool, reacts to the tale with what seems high praise. Then, after praising the Physician, the Host turns to the Pardoner and asks for a merry tale or jokes (som myrthe or japes), even though preaching is the Pardoners profession. The Pardoner agrees by mockingly echoing the same oath the Host has just used-By Saint Ronyon. The echo of the Host indicates, if anything at all, the Pardoners irritation at hearing the Physician praised as being like a Prelate (lyk a prelat). The Pardoner is further insulted when some members of the company cry with one voice, No, dont let him tell dirty jokes! (Nay, lat hym telle us of no ribaudye). The Pardoner will have his revenge on all the complacent, self-righteous critics, and he resolves to think his revenge out carefully. The ironic relationship between The Physicians Tale and The Pardoners Tale-and therefore the Physician and Pardoner-is that both men are self-loving dissemblers. However, one of the two, the Pardoner, possesses enough self-knowledge to know what he is; the other, the Physician, being self-satisfied and affected, does not. The function of a pardoner in Chaucers time was to collect moneys for charitable purposes and to be the Popes special agent in dispensing or rewarding contributors with certain pardons as a remission for sins. By canon law, a pardoner was required to remain in a certain area; within this area, he could visit churches, receive contributions, and, in the Popes name, dispense indulgences. An honest pardoner was entitled to a percentage of the take; however, most pardoners were dishonest and took much more than their share and, in many cases, would take all the contributions. Thus, as he boasts, Chaucers Pardoner belongs to the latter class-that is, he speaks of how much he collects by refusing to give indulgences to anyone except the very good people. In his prologue, the Pardoner frankly confesses that he is a fraud motivated by greed and avarice and that he is guilty of all seven sins. Even though he is essentially a hypocrite in his profession, he is at least being honest as he makes his confession. But then, ironically, at the end of his tale, he requests that the pilgrims make a contribution. Thus, for many reasons, the Pardoner is the most complex figure in the entire pilgrimage. He is certainly an intellectual figure; his references and knowledge demonstrated in the tale and his use of psychology in getting only the good people to come forward attest to his intellect. But in making his confessions to the pilgrims about his hypocrisy, he seems to be saying that he wishes he could be more sincere in his ways, except that he is too fond of money, good food and wine, and power. The Pardoner takes as his text that Love of money is the root of all evil, yet he emphasizes how each relic will bring the purchaser more money; in emphasizing this, he sells more and gains more money for himself. Thus, his text contains a double irony: His love for money is the root of his evil, yet his sales depend upon the purchasers love of money. Furthermore, his technique of relying upon basic psychology by selling only to the good people brings him more money. His sermon on avarice is given because the Pardoner is filled with avarice and this sermon fills his purse with money. Scholars, critics, and readers in general consider The Pardoners Tale to be one of the finest short stories ever written. Even though this is poetry, the narration fits all the qualifications of a perfect short story: brevity, a theme aptly illustrated, brief characterizations, the inclusion of the symbolic old man, rapid narration, and a quick twist of an ending. The entire tale is an exemplum, a story told to illustrate an intellectual point. The subject is Money (greed) is the root of all evil. The Pardoners Tale ends with the Pardoner trying to sell a relic to the Host and the Host attacking the Pardoner viciously. At this point, the Knight who, both by his character and the nature of the tale he told, stands as Chaucers symbol of natural balance and proportion, steps between the Host and the Pardoner and directs them to kiss and be reconciled. In the conflict between the Host and the Pardoner, the Pardoner-whose official role is to get men to call on God for forgiveness of their sins-is unmerciful in his wrath; that is, the Pardoner is unwilling to pardon, and the pardon is effected only when the noble Knight steps in. Glossary à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ relics objects esteemed and venerated because of association with a saint or martyr; here, the Pardoners relics are false. à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ Lot Lots daughters got their father drunk and then seduced him (from the Book of Genesis in the Bible); the Pardoners point is that Lot never would have committed incest if he had not been drunk. à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ Samson the biblical strong man. He revealed the secret of his strength to Solome, who then betrayed him to his enemies. à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ Lepe a town in Spain noted for its strong wines. à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ Cheapside and Fish Streets streets in London that were known for the sale of strong spirits. à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ Lemuel See Proverbs 31:4-7. à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ King Demetrius The book that relates this and the previous incident is the Policraticus of twelfth-century writer John of Salisbury. à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ Avicenna an Arabian physician (980-1037) who wrote a work on medicines that includes a chapter on poisons. à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ St. Helen the mother of Constantine the Great, believed to have found the True Cross The Pardoners Tale There once lived in Flanders a company of three rioters who did nothing but engage in irresponsible and sinful behavior. At this point, the narrator interrupts the tale itself to launch a lengthy diatribe against drunkenness mentioning Herod, Seneca, Adam, Sampson, Attila the Hun and St. Paul as either sources or famed drunkards. This in turn oddly becomes a diatribe against people whose stomachs are their gods (their end, we are told, is death), and then a diatribe against the stomach, called, at one point a stynkyng cod, fulfilled of dong and of corrupcioun (a stinking bag, full of dung and decayed matter). This distraction from the story itself ends with an attack on dice-playing (dice here called bicched bones, or cursed dice). The three drunkards were in a tavern one night, and, hearing a bell ring, looked outside to see men carrying a corpse to its grave. One of them called to his slave to go and ask who the corpse was: he was told by a boy that the corpse was an old fellow whose heart was smashed in two by a secret thief called Death. This drunkard agreed, and discussed with his companions how this Death had indeed slain many people, of all ranks, of both sexes, that very year. The three then made a vow (by Goddes digne bones) to find Death and slay him. When they had gone not even half a mile, they met an old, poor man at a style, who greeted them courteously. The proudest of the drunkards responded rudely, asking the man why he was still alive at such a ripe age. The old man answered that he was alive, because he could not find anyone who would exchange their youth for his age and, although he knocked on the ground, begging it to let him in, he still did not die. Moreover, the old man added, it was not courteous of the drunkards to speak so rudely to an old man. One of the other drunkards responded still more rudely that the old man was to tell them where Death was, or regret not telling them dearly. The old man, still polite, told the drunkards they could find Death up the crooked way and underneath an oak tree. The drunkards ran until they came to the tree, and, underneath it, they found eight bushels of gold coins. The worst one of them spoke first, arguing that Fortune had given them the treasure to live their life in happiness but realizing that they could not carry the gold home without people seeing them and thinking them thieves. Therefore, he suggested, they should draw lots, and one of them should run back to the town to fetch bread and wine, while the other two protected the treasure. Then, at night, they could agree where to take the treasure and carry it safety. This was agreed, and lots were drawn: the youngest of them was picked to go to the town. However, as soon as he had gone to the town, the two remaining drunkards plotted amongst themselves to stab him upon his return, and then split the gold between them. While he was in the town, the youngest thought of the beauty of the gold coins, and decided to buy some poison in order to kill the other two, keeping the gold for himself. Thus, he went to an apothecary, bought some strong and violent poison, poured it into two of three wine bottles (the third was for him to drink from), topped them up with wine, and returned to his fellows. Exactly as the other two had planned it, it befell. They killed him on his return, and sat down to enjoy the wine before burying his body and, as it happened, drank the poison and died. The tale ends with a short sermon against sin, asking God to forgive the trespass of good men, and warning them against the sin of avarice, before (this, we can presume narrated in the Pardoners voice) inviting the congregation to come up and offer their wool in return for pardons. The tale finished, the Pardoner suddenly remembers that he has forgotten one thing that he is carrying relics and pardons in his male (pouch, bag) and begins to invite the pilgrims forward to receive pardon, inciting the Host to be the first to receive his pardon. Unbokele anon thy purs, he says to the Host, who responds that the Pardoner is trying to make him kiss thyn old breech (your old pants), swearing it is a relic, when actually it is just painted with his shit. I wish, the Host says, I had your coillons (testicles) in my hand, to shrine them in a hogs turd. The Pardoner is so angry with this response, he cannot speak a word, and, just in time, the Knight steps in, bringing the Pardoner and the Host together and making them again friends. This done, the company continues on its way. Analysis The Pardoner has in recent years become one of the most critically discussed of the Canterbury pilgrims. His tale is in many ways the exemplar of the contradiction which the structure of the Tales themselves can so easily exploit, and a good touchstone for highlighting precisely how Chaucer can complicate an issue without ever giving his own opinion. Thus the Pardoner embodies precisely the textual conundrum of the Tales themselves he utters words which have absolutely no correlation with his actions. His voice, in other words, is entirely at odds with his behavior. The Pardoners voice, at the beginning of his tale, rings out as round as gooth a belle, summoning his congregation: and yet his church is one of extreme bad faith. There is a genuine issue here about whether the Pardoners tale, being told by the Pardoner, can actually be the moral (325) tale it claims to be. For, while the tale does indeed demonstrate that money is the root of all evil, does it still count when he is preaching agayn that same vice / Which that I use, and that is avarice (against the very vice I commit: avarice). How far, in other words, can the teller negate his own moral? Yet the real problem is that the Pardoner is a successful preacher, and his profits point to several people who do learn from his speeches and repent their sin. His Tale too is an accurate demonstration of the way greed and avarice lead to evil. Hollow execution nevertheless, the Pardoner is an excellent preacher against greed. His voice, in short, operates regardless of his actions. Hollow sentiments produce real results. This is also reflected in the imagery of the tale itself. The Pardoner hates full stomachs, preferring empty vessels, and, though his wallet may well be bretful of pardoun comen from Rome (687) but the moral worth of this paper is nil: the wallet, therefore, is full and empty at the same time exactly like the Pardoners sermon. In just the same way Chaucer himself in the Tales can ventriloquize the sentiments of the pilgrim the Reeve, the Pardoner, the Merchant and so on, without actually committing to it. Because the Tales themselves, in supposedly reproducing the telling of a certain pilgrim, actually do enact precisely the disembodied voice which the Pardoner represents. The moral paradox of the Pardoner himself is precisely the paradox of the Tales and their series of Chaucer-ventriloquized disembodied voices. There is a doubleness, a shifting evasiveness, about the Pardoners double audience: the imaginary congregation he describes, and the assembled company to whom he preaches, and tells his lewed tales, even calling them forth to pardon at the end. The point is clear: even though they know it is insincere, the Pardoners shtick might still work on the assembled company. The imagery of the Pardoners Tale also reflects this fundamental hollowness. The tale itself is strewn with bones, whether in the oath sworn by Goddes digne bones, whether in the word for cursed dice (bones) or whether in the bones which the Pardoner stuffs into his glass cases, pretending they are relics. The literary landscape is strewn with body parts, and missing, absent bodies: beginning with the anonymous corpse carried past at the beginning of his tale. Bones, stomachs, coillons words for body parts cover the page, almost as a grim reminder of the omnipresence of death in this tale. The General Prologue, suggesting that the Pardoner resembles a gelding or a mare, hints that the Pardoner may be a congenital eunuch or, taken less literally, a homosexual, and, as the Host seems to suggest at the end, might well be without his coillons, a Middle English word meaning both relics and testicles. All of the relics in this Tale, including the Pardoners, evade the grasp of the hand. The Pardoner thus can be categorized along with the other bizarrely feminized males in the Tales, including Absolon, Sir Thopas, and, if we believe the Host, Chaucer (the character). And of course, at the center of the tale, there is a search for somebody called Death which, naturally, does not find the person Death, but death itself. It is a successful but ultimately unsuccessful search. All that is left over at the center of the Tales is the bushels of gold, sitting under a tree unclaimed. The root of the tale, as its moral similarly suggests about the root of evil, is money: and money was, to a medieval reader, known to be a spiritual death. Notably, moreover, in the tale, both gold and death shift from metaphor to reality and back again; a neat reminder of the ability of the Tales to evade our grasp, raising difficult questions without ever answering them.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Proposal for IPS
Current Issues and Challenges for Stakeholders We can identify the stakeholders as the primary users (management, staff and customers) of the Simple Gateway network which are affected by the deferent issues noted in the RFC. The issues and challenges are a. Document Versions Primarily affects office and management staff that receive data and make decisions based on incorrect information. The number of errors that happen due to multiple versions of documents and forms floating around the sites increase inconsistencies.Business processes rely on consistency and having no set process for document concurrent version system (C.V.) or single point of file access affects the tasks employees perform. B. Storage Localization Collaboration In the current environment affects all stakeholders as well as business outcomes. A network using a non-centralized storage layout makes these tasks difficult. Non-centralized storage is expensive to setup, maintain, and manage. Issues related to ownership, management, and version control are also created due to this.The information retrieval process is being an impediment to the efficiency of he staff and the work they perform. C. Human Resources Processes Staff benefits are being affected by manual request processing. Sick leaves, vacation time and other common HRS tasks are affecting employee's satisfaction with the employer and more than likely generating feelings that also affects performance and good doltishly to server customers. II ââ¬â Performance Comparison KIP Current Environment Proposed Environment Document Versions and Data Sharing Multiple versions are passed between office staff.Incorrect information is used to make business decisions. Site files are stored on local filibuster. Sharing Is done via email. Enterprise storage will be centralized wealth Office ass's One Drive, helping in business decision making. Stakeholders will have access to the latest document version available. Administrative Tasks Management Sick leave or vacation requests are paper-based and slow. Forms and other workflow documents used by staff will be available within Office ass's Sharpening module, automating the submission and reducing response times. Servers Each office operates Its own file and email servers.Centralization of data and as management overhead. Productivity Suite Latest edition of office will be used. Ill ââ¬â Recommendations Latest edition of office is used. For the centralization of documents and forms at Simple Gateways, the proposed solution is Microsoft Office 365 for the Enterprise. Office 365 is a web-based, workup collaboration and office productivity suite that provides access to centralized storage across the locations using common web browser applications. It includes tools such as Sharpening, Exchange, and Noontide for Business for shared storage.Office 365 is offered as a AAAS (Software as a Service). Office 365 delivers the same features of locally hosted services without the associate d overhead of managing a server infrastructure. The management flexibility ensures that control and security are retained for compliance requirements and is enhanced by providing centralized storage. Some of the advantages of the solution are: a. Cross Device Accessibility: Office 365 has mobile APS that the access and interaction with the platform easy wherever the user connects from and across various devices b.Management Easiness: The administration console allows for easy management of policies and security of the content and features within Office 365. Automated maintenance ensure an always up-to-date with the latest features with minimal downtime c. Enterprise grade reliability and standards: Features state-of- the-art user account control, premier disaster recovery capabilities, expert monitoring and support, geographically-distributed hosting decanters with continuous data backup and redundancy. To comply with the human resources needs presented in the RFC, a Human CapitalMa nagement (HCI) solution is recommended. For this, Epicure's Spectrum HCI has been selected. Epicure's web-based HRS software provides a comprehensive solution for workforce and benefits management, offering employees direct access to view and control their own human resource information. The solution includes: Human resources management Performance management Talent management Benefits and absence tracking Payroll IV- Solution Justification same time, these solutions are provided through the familiar interface of a web- browser which reduces the learning curve.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Introducing Political Essay Samples
Introducing Political Essay Samples Studies have repeatedly proven that more schooling produces a greater income, averaging a 10-percent increase for each and every extra year in school. You realize that there is a great deal of advantages in using custom writing services. A Political system entails members that are active politically and can control and influence government activities in a particular country. Modernizing the greater public education process is an essential part of earning school facilities a conducive atmosphere for students to learn. What Does Political Essay Samples Mean? There's more to a custom political science essay than simply writing a report and having it checked by the professor to receive any grade. The key issue is to get a crystal clear idea about what you wish to say and the way you're going to say it before you get started writing the essay itself. Along with that, your point of view will decide on the sort of essay you're writing. Remember that you can't guess the political viewpoints of the reader. Aldous Huxley, a top essayist, gives guidance on the matter. The inefficiency of political correctness gets even more obvious in regards to words and phrases that are assessed as potentially insulting. Expository essay utilizes formal language to talk about someone or something. A political essay ought to be organized in such a manner that it is going to be a thesis emphasizing a conceptual argument. The Number One Question You Must Ask for Political Essay Samples In most instances, individuals with political powers who aren't in government are extremely influential. 1 instance of a political ideology that I want to elaborate is knows as the populists. Then you may read about the fundamental essentials of democracy and check if they exist in the American party system. One of the fundamental essentials of contemporary democracy lies in people's power to create the vector of their nation's political developments. As a result, since each current form of political arrangement has partial claim to justice and since correct forms have a tendency to degenerate in their respective incorrect forms, we have to mix different forms of political arrangements, so as to mitigate their flaws. If your instructor notices a significant flaw in the text you are going to have to re-write this, or edit the specific section of it. Several alternative logical structures for essays are visualized as diagrams, making them simple to implement or adapt in the building of an argument. Your instructor will likely assign you lots of titles that you will need to refer to (ten, fifteen, or more). In fact, as a way to protect 1 man from creating a wrong choice, government limits the liberty of a hundred who aren't going to do anything stupid. Whichever way you take a close look at it, the thought of forming an Asian Union is extremely unlikely. There's one great issue though and that is that, as Aristotle recognises, there are lots of facets that will need to be thought about as a way to ascertain the best type of political arrangement for each specific city. In the world these days, there are various political systems that govern specific nations. A Secret Weapon for Political Essay Samples Political science is just one of the broadest subjects as it has many theories, ideas, and concepts. Managing conflict at work essay. Essays on managing diversity at work. Constitution in our day-to-day life essay. Then you're ready to submit the paper. As a way to formulate a great thesisfor your political analysis paper, you have to read some literature. You are unable to compose the thesis including new ideas (that aren't discussed in the paper). Now you should specify the subject of your political analysis paper. Political Essay Samples at a Glance Each paragraph of the human body comprises the most important point, the so-called topic sentence. Numerous facts influence an individual's po litical socialization. Hence, you can't explain a specific political process as you wish but you should rather hunt for the causes and factors in order for it to happen. The chief reason is the freedom and creativity of individuals. In a neutral democracy, everybody's vote should count equally. Normally, the political essays are primarily written in order to provide an in depth analysis of the practices employed by the politicians. Politics is the procedure by which groups of individuals make collective decisions. There are particular essay topics that were written on so many times like abortion and legalizing of marijuana that they've become worn out. The philosophy of life essay examples you will find should help you choose the ideal choice for yourself. When you would like a well-written essay that resembles the example philosophy essay on the website, you will need to understand how to do it. There are various types of essays that I would assume most of you are alread y acquainted with. Adhere to the fashion of political essays. When it has to do with academic writing, good satirical essay examples may be the perfect way to inspire and motivate you. To compose political essays, it is vital for you to be a master in the subject yourself and this requires adequate research. To save you time and start working on your essay when possible, we've provided an extensive guide on how best to choose political issue essay topics and provide a few examples of topics you should consider for writing on. What's the aim of a commentary essay. Top Political Essay Samples Secrets Always ask whether the information that you have gained is dependable and objective. 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Thursday, January 2, 2020
An honest attempt - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 31 Words: 9216 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Statistics Essay Did you like this example? In the book In Defense Of Globalization the author, Jagdish Bhagwati attempts a feat which few in his field have done before and that is to give a direct response to the allegations that are staged against globalization. Bhagwati is renowned in his field and has quite a few feathers in his cap. He is a pioneer of trade theory and unlike a lot of his counterparts is quite well-versed in his subject area as well as in general literature. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "An honest attempt" essay for you Create order This fact is further confirmed after reading this book as he frequently cites Shakespeare, Allen alongside Marx and Keynes, which is quite abdominal and not something that every economist would be able to do well. He presents an understandable and unbiased analysis. This book is an honest attempt to understand the other side of the theory as he tries to understand the points surfacing against globalization and tries to respond to each aspect in detail. He entails traditional insight that a lot of social evils have manifested due to globalization but then responds to each with wisdom. He claims that if aptly regulated and implemented, globalization is actually the strongest instrument to spread social welfare and good in the world. He exhibits strong command over the subject of international economics and intelligently dissuades the claims against globalization. He argues that in a lot of cases, globalization has played the lead role in the general well-being and social prosperity for under-developed countries. If properly regulated it has helped reduce child labor, increase the economic activities, spread education and even upgrade the status of women. He dismantles the charge that cultural hegemony results because of globalization and offers ma ny examples ranging from movies to text where a hybrid web of culture has been woven due to globalization. He thus successfully reaches through the noise and touches the nerve of the most controversial issues proving that globalization is actually a part of the solution rather than an issue itself. Giving the credit of globalization to the universal economic incorporation is quite justified. The best feature of the book is its rhythmic flow and how each allegation is dealt with in a separate chapter of the book. The main chapters (allegations) that are presented cover debatable issues such as the association of globalization to child labor, increase in poverty rate, environmental degradation, and exploitation of workers by multinational giants and the questionable status of women in the underdeveloped or even developing nations. Bhagwati is of the view that the critics of globalization come from different walks of life. It is not suitable to keep an extremist attitude as it does not leave room for debate and reasoning. Regarding the political left who consider that the people who are settled abroad in other host nations where multinationals have a presence, are exploited. Whereas the others on the political right have issues with globalization due to their own vested mindsets w hich are anti-immigration for a multitude of reasons. A reason and evidence approach is used which does not leave room for further confusions; hence it is apt to say that Bhagwati has done justice to each issue. The arguments that are given are very solid and convincing, supported further by evidences. As he says in his book. Reason and analysis require that we abandon the conviction that globalization lacks a human face, an assertion that is tantamount to a false alarm, and embrace the view that it has one. The first allegation against globalization that it hurts the poor is countered by the following response. Economic growth should be the principal but not the only strategy for raising the incomes, and hence consumption and living standards of the poor (Bhagwati, 2007, pg 54). This is a relatively agreed upon fact that free trade aids in growth and development. However one cannot deny that while it is good in theory it is marred in application due to the influence of politics. The reality remains that while the very founders of globalization like the IMF, the World Bank and the WTO encourage developing nations to indulge in trade, they on the other hand are involved in hefty spending to subsidize their own people (farmers) and ascertain that foreign competition does not arrive there. It makes the reader wonder whether the author is too idealistic to consider the practical aspect of theories. Like in one case Bhagwati argues that context matters. He further gives the example that if a thousand people become millionaires, the inequality is less than if Bill Gates gets to make a billion all by himself. The rationale behind this argument is that rich people tend to spend their income on luxuries of life, while a person like Gates would be more inclined to dona te huge chunks of his income to development and social causes and hence the reasoning that context is important. The truth on the other hand is that the context of the United states is not what the developing countries aspire. In developing nations, people who have acquired millions tend to make it hidden, avoiding taxes and are more concerned about their own financial stability than any social cause. The next point emphasizes on the pragmatic proof that with globalization there has been a considerable decrease in inequality. Here the author cites Surjit Bhalla and another renowned economist Xavier. Their studies though quite reliable and extensive but using their text for support is a rather vague approach as other economists of known intellect have even proven the evils of globalization in their works. Furthermore, Bhagwati himself contradicts his claim that globalization decreases inequality, in a later chapter where he says that the basic reason for the growing migration traffic flow is the growing inequality amongst different countries. If Bhagwati has adopted a rather theoretical approach in offering evidence infavor of inequality and poverty, he is nonetheless very insightful about the needs and requirements of the poor and admits that more careful and structured management is required to reap the fruits of globalization. He presents the example of the Asian financial crisis in nineties which according to him could have been evaded if the financial liberal institutes were less swift and careless and if the banking industry had been empowered. He spells out a policy tripod which entails key aims for the management of globalization in future; advocating labor standards universally, outlining accurate governance by the help of increasing network and the power of NGOs, and above all taking care of all transformations to globalization. The central theme in Bhagwatis propositions is the economic repercussion of globalization specifically in the developing countries. A lot has been said about the evils of economic integration and how it has caused complete chaos and havoc in poor nations and how bodies like the IMF and the World Trade Organization are in reality devilish in their enthusiasm. For the author of this book, the debate whether it is beneficial or not hold no value. He dedicates his efforts in explaining to the people what good it can bring if properly regulated. He blames the inadequate outlook of public policies in areas such as Latin America and East Asia for their financial dilemmas and not free trade. He is persistent that free trade has brought countless benefits to the countries. He acknowledges the evils that are connected to globalization but argues that they are due to bad governance, hegemonic potential of the rich countries, two-faced dual standards in universal bodies and even pure lack of kno wledge. He goes to the extent of calling free trade the single instrument for the financial stability of the developing countries of the world. However, there is another way of looking at the point discussed. First Bhagwatis claim of comparative advantage that is proposed by Smith and Ricardo is not moving enough. While it remains that most of the nation will make their mark in the world market in order to extend their exclusive trade points but this does not hold good in two instances; firstly when the nation in consideration has no resources of its own to make a ground for export and the second being that the nations own institutes were ruined at a very early stage by multinational giants and hence it becomes dependent on these corporations for job opportunities and adequate import supply for use which in turn has a lot of security after effects for that particular nation. To counter this it is imperative to take into account List and Smiths perception of protection of infant industry, which proposes that some breathing room should be allowed to any competitive organization so that it is able to understand its full potenti al for competition before it is exposed to international market competition. Bhagwatis point of view on the multicultural aspect of globalization is rather weak and based on idealism. It is true that some features of the Oriental cultures have left their mark on the occident but it is known for a fact that the control of the streamlines by which these exchanges can happen by the West, govern the entire process. Consequently, in developing countries like India, the younger generation has completely failed to tell apart their native customs from the others. The western thing being more appealing has involved them in an inferiority complex. This results in a severe damage to the destruction of self-esteem and pride of the nation in question. For clarity of discussion, let us now analyze Bhagwatis claims in light of the neo-classical school of thought. There are basically three key points which drastically diminish the case where variations of free trade are seen as effective. Firstly, a lot of models consider that free trade in practice is not completely efficient. It is nonetheless important to define in parameters the deviations that are possible and the extent to which they count. This resulted in a frenzy of computations and it was then found that the effort and labor that goes in correcting the market costs more than what they are actually worth of. Secondly, instances of local issues supposedly outline and influence an exit from free trade are usually best dealt by a variety of methods of intervention by the government that uphold free trade. It was once suggested by Keynes that tariffs may be advantageous in instances of massive unemployment, instead leave trade free and mount cumulative demand straightforwardly. Lastly, Bhagwati ascertains that if trade barriers and tariffs are forced, individuals attempting to route these benefits to them might spend a lot of resources. Resources spent for such a cause make no contribution to the production. This therefore becomes a case of rent seeking, or in other words seeking of direct unproductive gain, a perception of his own which is quite different. He does not take into account the vice of fake humility. However, this remains an important issue. Rent seeking or fruitless profit chasing of this sort may be so vigorous that it might rule out completely tariffs as a means of effective economic plan. There is a basic opposition to free trade and that is on the basis of a reality. In any free market each exchange that materializes is due to the fact that all stakeholders wish to gain benefit. This does not ensure that whatever takes place in the market will have benefits for everybody in general. This raises a question that if another shop lowers it prices obnoxiously and as a result you are thrown out of business, you have certainly not gained from the situation. This also implies that evidences of market efficiency are of little worth. It cannot assist Americans who were forced into unemployment or those who were reduced to shackles by the less wage competition from across the board. To them the increased efficiency of the world economy does not matter. Also, it is significant to point here that the Stolper-Samuelson theorem presents evidence that given a set of conditions, the low incomes of foreign employees can actually result in lower local wages. According to Bhagwati this line of reasoning in case of America atleast does not match with reality. The reasoning calls for the fact that the products that destabilize wages in America are in reality labor intensive. In the market however, foreign competition that damages America is due to other factors such as edge in the technology etc. Now it is also important to note that foreign products will have an influence on local wages only if there is a decrease in the relative prices. This points to the fact that the main underlying problem is if the prices of such products really been decreasing, offsetting the diminishing wages in real world. There is no evidence provided by the author to back this. In the decade of eighties, the time when the wages of American were not changing, the prices of products that were labor-intensive increased compared to the prices of the set of the entire product range in the trade. Often an objection is posed by those who oppose free trade that it is a constituent of a policy by rapacious multinational giants in an attempt to take advantage of the developing countries and these corporations already mint money by giving a meager sum to the indigent denizens of the developing countries. Bhagwati responds t this by a very subtle point. He ascertains that if the employees agree to what we consider as very low wages, then they might consider these wages as enhancements. Several empirical studies do find that multinationals pay what economists now call a wage premium; they pay an average wage that exceeds the going rate, mostly up to 10 percent and exceeding it in some cases, with affiliates of U.S. multinationals sometimes paying a premium that ranges from 40 to 100 percent (Bhagwati, 2007, pg 172). The book also stresses on the fact that trade leads to business development which as a result brings democracy. Economic reforms must happen before any democratization takes place. The activists in this field should all combine so that they are taken more seriously. They should strive to clear the misconceptions and make a way for progress and development. The book is an extremely polarizing debate. He tries to balance the extremism that has found its way into economic reforms. Maintaining that it does affect culture, but economists are never concerned with the preservation of culture. Bhagwati says in his book. Economists generally belong to the philosophical tradition that sees nature as a handmaiden to mankind. (Bhagwati, 2007, pg 135). The book In Defense Of Globalization thus offers a detailed response to the various critics of globalization. Some of these responses sound idealistic and theoretical but nonetheless they provide a base to build upon to relate to the social and economic consequences. HOW TO CHANGE THE WORLD: SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURS AND THE POWER OF NEW IDEAS David Bornstein, the author of How to Change the World: Social Entrepreneurs and the Power of New Ideas, in his book lauds the efforts of the members of the Ashoka group which was a universal gathering of leading social entrepreneurs. The book commends their passion to bring about a structured change all across the world and how they were able to achieve their goals through commitment and inspiring novel ideas. Being a journalist, David has first hand knowledge and experience in the topic that has become the content of this very popular book. There are certain set passions that people have and they follow them too but compared to that social entrepreneurship is a relatively new concept which calls for something beyond passion- life long dedication and unwavering commitment from those who aspire to bring good to society in a world that is chasing money and profit. David inspires us in his book by narrating stories of individual people pursuing their missions and the basic outline of social enterprise. He also includes his own experiences in some of the chapters of the book. David defines social entrepreneurs as people who find solutions to social problems on a large scale. The book chronicles the daring accomplishments of ten brave individuals whose novel ideas and selfless efforts realized as institutional transformation that gave a new direction to entire systems. Weaved in these stories are sections that try to describe who are the people who become social entrepreneurs and the reason behind their choice. The consequence is that if one is able to discover these innovative people, then proper support and some guidance in the initial stages may actually result in another social problem being solved on a massive scale and hence the ratio increases exponentially. A major part of the book revolves around the life of Bill Drayton who was the originator of Ashoka, which officially acclaims the status of being the worlds first main organization to recognize and sustain social entrepreneurs universally. David is very convincing when he speaks about Draytons drive to bring about a social change. Drayton in his early life aspired for a change and this sustained throughout; at his time in Harvard and at EPA and McKinsey. Also the reader gets to know the real obstacles that he had to face and overcome for his ambitions to realize which also creates an air of drama in an otherwise dry topic such as social entrepreneurship. The rest of the book swings from profiles of many established entrepreneurs both within and outside the Ashoka network. The accounts are very inspiring and show the power of an honest individual effort to innovate lives and bring about wide-scale solutions for issues that seem to be entrenched in society. This very basis and line of thought has been the motivating force of work at Ashoka which offers 3 year fellowships to social entrepreneurs to let them follow their dream ideas full time. It has an established network of people who spot prospective individuals with different ideas and also help them shape and formulate their idea in a better manner. David holds Ashokas efforts in very high regard and talks about his work with a great deal of respect. At the same time he is bold enough to pinpoint the flaws that this organization made in realizing its mission. For example, in chapter 14 of the book he speaks of the problem in Ashokas approach for going global and how his vision will not be practical in some regions like Africa. In short about the book, it can be said that it is based on individual effort stories and experiences, more of a case study sort; therefore it gets a little disconnected on occasions. It is not page turning as a thriller would be but the message that the book gives is very strong and unwavering throughout. The beauty of the ten individual documented narratives is that there is nothing common in them except for the wonderful outcome of the work once done. Because of the fact that the field of social entrepreneurship has long been neglected, this work by David is a commendable effort and brings to the reader outstanding examples of people who make this world a better place to live in. The idea and concept of social entrepreneurship has remained confined within very specialist spheres but the insight and information provided in these true tales introduce the reader to the greater good being done in the world by people whose work speak for them. David tells the complete story, giving details of every project, the hurdles that it faced and the success that it turned into. It leaves such a strong impact on the readers that once you are through you find yourself dreaming up solutions to rectify social evils. Its not the writing style but the content that is extremely engaging and enlightening at the same time. It is a bible for those wishing to pursue social entrepreneurship. The main setback of the book is that it relies mainly on the Ashoka model which tends to ignore the profit aspect of entrepreneurship leaving a very thin line difference between a social activist and a social entrepreneur. According to David, Social entrepreneurs advance systemic change by altering governing perceptions and, ultimately, wide-scale, behavior patterns. They do this by envisioning a solution and initiating change (which typically takes place over a very long period of time) until their solution becomes the norm. (Bornstein, 2007, pg 2-3). In my report I focus on the overall theme of the book rather than individual stories which are quite motivational and inspiring though. One often wonders how can an individual bring about massive change, especially if its change in the thinking pattern. In his book, David writes about people who are steadfast in their will to change and transform society. They will not stop trying until they have achieved what they wanted. Such determination and commitment is the key to success. It is true that the number of people who will be so obsessed is quite less but they are present, clear in their vision and sure about their accomplishments. The biggest ability of any normal man is that he has many goals which he pursues and balances them well to live successfully. In case of social entrepreneurs, there is a basic prism of their idea and they see everything through it. They do not balance or manipulate their goals; they go for it and get it. Different individuals may contribute at different l evels of any developing sector but that has no effect on the value and worth that they are adding to the society. Social entrepreneurship is a domain which needs experiences of people from all sectors of life and this sheer diversity is what makes it so different and wonderful. The book tells us that to be a successful entrepreneur one needs to be very clear and motivated about the aim and the will to transform the society with the positive idea in mind. A lot of things that are essential to achieve a given task will confront the social entrepreneurs and they will grab and learn it as life throws it at them but they will never be dejected by any hurdle along the way. Amongst my favorite in the book is the story of Jeroo Billimoria of India who is the founder of CHildline India Foundation. Jeroo was determined to do something about the issue of street kids. It was a much ignored subject as nobody ever thought of transforming the lives of the homeless, mostly orphaned street kids. With the small is good approach, Jeroo ventured into a plan; to involve these kids in a self-help program. Initially there were very small successes but with time she was able to establish a distributed and decentralized web of associated Childline programs that have brought about a huge change in the way India now deals with this social issue. Her model is now being adopted all over the world for children self-help programs. A similar compelling story is that of Erzsebet Szekeres of Hungary who also followed the small is good approach and has now been able to revolutionize her nations view and also the treatment of disabled people. The name of her establishment is Alliance Industrial Union (Assisted Living for the Disabled.) She is known and admired for her assisted living societies, incorporated, where a lot of disabled individuals have received a new meaning of life as they learn the art of living well, social and other small job skills that enable a lot of people from these communities to venture out into the society as useful members. This was not easy for Erzsebet to achieve; hers is a tale of unwavering determination and can do spirit with which she was able to tap the strategies that restrict such work in society. The biggest feather to her cap is the way in which she acknowledged the self-assistance chance of making small business ventures in her incorporated community structure. In another example in South Africa, an institute known as the Tateni Home Care Services, which was founded by a nurse, has educated hundreds of young people who were otherwise without jobs to be effective as home care attendants. Now these young individuals are advancing on a base model for providing quality and efficient care to AIDS patients and children without parents throughout the entire country. Similarly in America, an organization based in Washington with the name College Summit started by an ex divinity scholar has aided hundreds of students from the lower-income group to get registered in colleges with a retention rate as high as eighty percent. This summit is now functioning in collaboration with public schools in many cities to redraft their college guidance methods. As Bornstein puts it in his book, Social entrepreneurs are not selfless. If anything, they are self-more in the sense that they heed their instincts, follow their desires, and aggressively pursue their ambitions. (Bornstin, 2007, pg 287). Each of the above mentioned stories discloses the supremacy of a distinct human being steadfastly devoted to making a difference. The power of the book lies in the novel ideas of these determined individuals and the manner in which they executed them. As per the author, People who solve problems must somehow first arrive at the belief that they can solve problems. This belief does not emerge suddenly. The capacity to cause change grows in an individual over time as small-scale efforts lead gradually to larger ones. (Bonstein, 2007, pg 94). All of the above mentioned social entrepreneurs started a small organization based on the philosophy of small is good, each expanded largely over time because of the quality of the work that they were doing, and each represented a typically novel method, a distinct model for dealing with a given social issue in some particular context. The social impact that they were able to achieve was not by any increasing gigantic or structured service association, but by mere perseverance and growth through continuous evolution and reproduction. All of these individuals were followers of natural influence in the absence of any command. They started off with a mere outline infrastructure, enough to suffice the need then present, showcased their ideas and visions for social transformation, and lastly they persistently involved stakeholders and influenced people who were essential for expansion and to see the result of their self-less efforts. Bornstein rightly says, Ideas arent sufficient. There are lots of ideas that go nowhere. It requires a person to move from an idea through the complex process of implementation/realization. (Bornstein, 2007, pg 13). As with every other field, there is a lot of criticism regarding social entrepreneurship too. Some people are of the opinion that these social entrepreneurs are people who utilize business expertise to realize social ends, while others argue that these are the people who start businesses that follow double or triple base line returns. While these aspects are somewhat present in the field of social entrepreneurship, none of these arguments grasp the true spirit and essence of this field. As Bornstein argues in his book that social entrepreneurs cannot be characterized by their plans or tools or skill sets, but they can only be defined by their goals, visions, determination and work ethics. Social entrepreneurs provide an identical function with reference to social amendments as business entrepreneurs accomplish with regard to economic revolutions, that is they clutch prospect chances, assemble resources, put together associations, conquer opposition; and, via a very challenging procedure of promotion and repetitive corrections, they progressively change blueprints in their respective areas, thereby opening new avenues for others to explore. When viewed from a global standpoint, the development in a field like social entrepreneurship represents a major restructuring of the society in general and hence proposes wide scale chances for a lot of individuals. What actually happens is that a small segment of the society that gives importance to social values, a segment which has been operated upon like a power economy, is eventually starting to look like a market economy, constituted by young, enthusiastic, flexible associations drafted by these social entrepreneurs. It has r esulted in a somewhat creative confusion and chaos with a lot of self-charged individuals trying to tackle social problems in their own unique ways, learning in the process how to interlink amongst themselves and with government bodies. Bornstein concludes this book with recommendations on how to further amalgamate this segment of social entrepreneurs deeper into society for its welfare. He suggests that it could officially be studied in colleges and universities with government funding. The last chapter of the book also presents a big challenge to the charitable sector. He maintains that any associations dearth of investment for it to be able to bring about positive change to society remains a stigma for society. A lot of foundations consider themselves as originators of novel concepts. Once a model has been tested by any foundation, the best method is that triumphant and scaleable plans should get government support in financial terms; which remains a big and yet unsolved loop hole in reasoning and experience. Bornstein here compares the potential of these social entrepreneurs to that of the private sectors capacity to help. He is against extra dependency on quantitative performance variables, specifically those t hat are not meant and utilized by the organization itself in determining its own success. He says that people in this field should realize that transformation on mass levels and doing good for society has better, elevated and usually non-measurable aspects. How to Change the World offers the readers with a comprehensive view at the strength of individuals and the capacity present in the organizations to solve social issues successfully. According to him, discovering such people, helping them and supporting their endeavors is another way of philanthropy. HIDDEN CONNECTIONS: Fritjof Capra, the author of the book under discussion and previously a physicist, is renowned for his skills of bringing out the mystic, and to a certain extent, religious elements in life. He is also widely acknowledged for his work in the domain of system sciences. This is a difficult feat to accomplish due to the fact that the conventional western technology-driven approach is quite antithetical to the contrasting mindsets. This book not on displays Capras own evolution from meager bystander inquisitiveness to a scientific curiosity in the different religions of the world and moreover, mysticism to a radical understanding of the restrained interlinks amongst thought process and life, and the human consciousness and brain. The differences among the physical and social sciences as the slit in the human survival method and its understanding of the world, have often been explained but Capra has managed to express his experience and hence been able to bridge this existing gap. The book, Hidden Connections broadly speaks in two domains. In the first half of the book one finds an outstanding briefing to systems science and in the second half, the author describes how to seek organic rather than mechanical solutions for the problems faced by our planet. The book proposes that in general the human societies will do far better if they imitate its existing natural surroundings with which it coexists. The insights that are presented in the book are very inspiring and leave the reader with a better understanding of the basic links to the complex web of other living systems. There are insightful updates on different theories such as the complexity and the Santiago theory of cognition, as well as updates on chemistry and physics and in the end, biotechnology. Furthermore, the author successfully applies the varying facets of complexity theory to the ongoing issues of global capitalism and the current state of affairs of the world. Hence it offers a detailed insight on the intricate adaptive system which has been a progressing trend in the field of science. The views expressed by Capra provide a detailed synopsis of the international financial system and also explains the unfortunate shift in the United States approach; from liberty to free trade/free market which depicts a very single-minded inclination of overall economic globalization. Capra depicts that eco-design and ecological awareness are two primary steps that are required for the formulation of sustainable societies. He also proposes a revolutionary agenda of drafting an abstract framework for the successful integration of varying living systems of cognition, community and biology. Capra in this book spins a web of intellect that adds more significance to the general way of dealing with the major problems of natural networks combined with the many feedback loops taken in context of patterns, relations and processes. These natural networks should be understood so that we don not overlap with their space as they serve all forms of life including the humans. There is infinite potential for development in nature along with ample room for creativity, diversification and upcoming innovativeness of new forms. It is therefore on humans to understand the system to become ecologically smart. The book explains the biggest mystery of all times, that is the survival of life form on earth. As Capra describes, the nature works in a holistic manner whereas, on the contrary, traditional thought process is usually blindly robotic. This is best explained by the fact that some see it as a mere collection of elements where as others are able to see beyond the wall and they discover the values and the intricate purposes that are manifested in the coexistence. The difference is obvious in the functioning of both the systems and their ability to respond to data. A mechanical system merely functions as per the given set of conditions. It is only the inherent intelligence of a living system that it is able to respond to information according to the meaning hidden in it. The intricate feedback loops help the living system to formulate its own response depending upon the situation. The book begins at the most basic stage; the cell being a self-sufficient and self-sustaining, developing system and not something which can be defined in terms of a linear equation from input to output. The prime element of life is of a network unlike the assumption by majority of a machine. According to Capra, nature has nothing to do with failure or success as it is above ay such intent nor does it require competition which the humans thrive upon and as a result of which they attribute their thought processes and even their manner of living to nature. It is a inherent feature in all life forms to survive off each other; the feeding mechanism illustrates this further. So there is no concept of waste product as in its industrial counterpart. In nature one forms waste might be anothers food and in this very fact lays the symmetry and magnificence of nature imparting a sense of self integrity which the human mind strives to understand. Furthermore, Capra explains that it is an exercise in futility to try to capture the non-linear features of living systems in mathematical equations as they are neither completely conventional nor are they totally controllable in the manner which the traditional physicists desire them to be. The only way to capture the essence of nature can be through probabilistic manner of post-quantum philosophy and/or physics as these are the fields that encompass the observer and his state of being as a part of his observation. This is also in accordance with the Santiago theory that maintains that mental activity is the main organizing activity of all living forms at all levels of life. Myths and descriptions make their way into text and are passed on in an attempt to explain the mystery of life and yet have never been completely deciphered by knowledge or even intellect which is the only tools available to man for accomplishment. This calls for the need of a different kind of view that is wide -ranging and hence a different type of education for the people. The target objective of such an education would be to encourage the capacity to understand the hidden connections between different phenomena. Once man is able to realize this, then only will he end the race to control nature and will learn to coexist in harmony with it. After explaining complex adaptive systems, the origin of mind, the nature of life forms, social reality establishing that networks along with its interconnections form the basic structure of life, Carla moves to make the next point in his book. Hidden connections strongly emphasizes that life, society and consciousness are actually surfacing features of other simpler procedures that are deep-rooted in the networks which are the fundamental elements of life. After a lucid introduction to his own thought process in the first half of the book, Carla now moves on to express his views about organization and leadership and other related topics. He has applied complexity theory to organizations in this book which makes it a rather interesting read. It is worth mentioning that Carla has experience in this domain as he devotes his time lecturing and advising senior mangers of corporate giants. He expresses views which are certainly different and even difficult for big corporations to put into practice but one is left with no choice but to admit the rational behind his ideas. He gives a certain examination of global capitalism where he explains the origin and development of the networked economy, the diversified character of the economic grid and the programmed trading of wealth and stocks. He is quite right when he claims that the entire system is beyond the control of any corporation or government or least of all any individual and in its given state yet its automation is in the hands of governments and corporate giants. It may be a monster out of leash but the stake holders that profit from it are quite known. It is no surprise then that when he speaks of employee empowerment, it does not by any mean, imply employee appropriation. He goes on to explain why it is such a challenge to transform the existing culture of big organizations. It is because the people in charge to restructure the organization will draft an organizational chart in a robotic manner but in reality its the social network which is the actual hub and heart of the organization that dra ws out elements from the plan that best suit their interests. Hence the solution to the external perturbation is in reality organically not known, though it may be innovative making the consultant appear well but has little worth in its core. The discussion in the book becomes more captivating when Capra attempts to explain the swift deregulation of economic and trading activities in the past two decades, which mainly took place by non-democratic means via under the table dealings and nominated, instead of elected representatives. This had an impact which unleashed the power of wealth. He strongly criticizes the system where profit minting has made authorities turn a blind eye towards all values, and in the process exposing people to wasteful trade actions. He says that the protesting people are not against globalization which was bound to take place in the technology and information- savvy age but instead they are requesting and forcing for unbiased check and balance structure to be drafted. The basic inherent form of human intelligence should find its proper place in the system and this requires wide-spread activism at the grass-root levels. Looking back at the sixties era and comparing it with the present, Capra identi fies that there exists a new generation; one that has been surrounded by a world divided in cultures. The book Hidden connections spells out an approach, which aims at amalgamating the visions, biological, cultural, environmental and social into one prospect of life. Also, it elucidates that this synthesis in its content has the power to eradicate the sustainable development efforts of its completely biased overtones and instead present it with a clear and solid human and scientific ground. Hidden connections is a book that also points out the fallacies in globalization. Capra considers the issue of globalization a main feature when considering values. In his view, globalization together with all the evils that it manifests in the society is the prime reason for making money a standard measure of everything mindset. He strongly advocates change and instead values being the core of everything. He presents his point by giving the example of societies that are involved in ecologically conscious ways of production and that they are technologically motivating too, but they have no positive influence on the basic principals of economics, class or control/power. Capras aim in this book is to reform capitalism so that it works in favor of society, rather than completely eradicate it. I think that the last section of the book is the strongest of all. This is the part where Capra expresses his views on bio-technology. Genetic engineering is termed as the main dogma by Capra where he expresses that it is fabricated on the notion that individual genes have a direct link on the characteristics and also on the behavioral patterns. Put in other words, genetic engineering is nothing but functional biological determinism. The issue is dealt with head on, outlining the intricate inter-links among organisms, genes and the basic environment in general. Here a lot of quotes are used from other molecular biologists that are also with Capra in questioning this system of belief. He hence explains that biological determinism is one-dimensional and does not even enjoy the support of scientific proof. Moreover, genetic modification and bio-engineering are in essence intensely suspect and hazardous technologies by nature. Here he makes a mention of the genetically modified crops. He is of the view that those engineers who claim that they can engineer food and that would be an answer to the global food scarcity and pest issues are wrong. The end result of biotechnology and the experiments that are carried out are quite obvious. It is more of a technical problem but this could become an unleashed monster if not controlled. These genetically modified crops are actually a false and fake perception of nature and will not work in the long run. Capra strongly defends the nature and calls for solutions that are environment and nature friendly not the currently deployed modes of industrialization, capitalism or mass marketing. The basic idea presented in the book is quite simple; the elementary design procedures to be used in framing of any sort of human organization should be in harmony with the underlying core values of organization in nature which has progressed through decades to form an intricate, yet beautiful web of life. The network remains the core prototype of all living forms and spans from the metabolic cell networks all the way through the food webs existing in the ecosystem. All the processes and constituents are connected with each other. When this understanding is applied to the social sphere then even organizations are viewed as live social establishments. Then Capra moves his attention to the whole human community and reveals his inspiration of the NGOs which play an active role in framing a substitute to th e blind undertaking of resource-wasting path of capitalism inspired industrialization and globalization. Motivated by the lust of affluence and the crazy race of information technology, the procedure is taking inevitably to a further misery and estrangement of the poor. The underdeveloped and poor nations are no longer in a state to have their own plan except for what is shoved on them by the Western systems hidden in the name of best interests. He paints a very real image of the global financial market where a mere click of the mouse enriches individuals and where people are indigent due to a presumed notion of market logic or inaccurate perception of risk. Money has thus become the main instrument to make more money where it has more worth than values, democracy or nature in the least. Capra thus tries to open the eyes of the common man and make him realize that life is not a problem to be solved; it is rather a mystery to be lived to the fullest. WHAT THE BLEEP DO WE KNOW: The book What the bleep do we know is a result of joint efforts of three individuals who have different perceptions about things that otherwise appear as ordinary. William Arntz is known to have formulated a software that is extensively used all over the world. A spiritual seeker and a research physicist, he took an earl retirement to pursue his interests. He wished to combine his four areas of interest; science, art of film making, spiritual curiosity and computer technology. Co-author Betsy Chasse worked as a freelance production manager on more that 30 films and is also accredited for producing 8 films before setting up her mind to use her life in a more constructive manner and do something more purposeful. Co-author Mark Vicente, previously a cinematographer turned director possessed keen interest in mystifying, unusual and also insightful subject themes. The book which is the combined intellect of such fine minds is hence difficult to categorize. It is a self-help book and at the same time it is about science and spiritual guidance too. It deals the issues of the nature of reality, improbability, the influence of mental, physical and spiritual agents in formulating human reality. The book does not provide answers but opens different avenues for thought. It outlines the spiritual queries and scientific information that take the reader in deeper regions allowing him to accept the clinch of psyche and science. Perhaps the best thing about the book is the ease with which it discusses the topics and contains insightful discussion on the given subject matter. A long time back, in the battle of discovery and justifications, religion and science split in different directions. However, the truth remains that both are different sides of the same coin and cannot be viewed as separate entities. Science and religion both aid in discovering the mysteries of the universe, humans position in this divine layout and hence the purpose of our living. This they can only achieve when they work with each other as opposed to against each other. In this book of amazing science, on the basis of extensive research and theoretical scientists, it takes the reader to a different level of consciousness; one that is a thin line between the inner/outer limits of our scientific know-how, vision, brain structure and even body chemistry. It makes the reader wonder what thought is made of, what constitutes reality and most of all how is a thought capable of transforming the nature and perception of reality. A famous saying by Joe Dispenza is, The whole purpose of this game: we prepare our body chemically, through a thought, to have an experience. However, if we keep preparing our body chemically to have the same thoughts, to have the same experiences, we wont ever evolve as human beings. All this knowledge and science takes the reader beyond the materialistic world into the deeper spheres of spirituality. If ones vision and outlook has an effect on the end result, then each individual is not just an observer of the universe but an active participant in shaping it. The authors propose that if visions are more than mere haphazard neural firings, then realization is indeed is much more than just an anatomical happening. All this indicates to the presence of a supreme authority out there but the question remains is it really there; if yes then what is the definition of out there. The book is a mind boggling exercise as it does not give answers but opens a thinking process of mind exhausting queries; a book that does not outline the path but the numerous possibilities that lead to the destination. One is left wondering if one really has to follow a set routine everyday; why do the same chores, why feel the same and why end up in the mess of chores that life throws. As Wil liam Tiller puts it. Our purpose here is to develop our gifts of intentionality. And learn how to be effective creators. It offers a very interesting and different approach to spirituality and self-help on almost every aspect of life. It teaches the readers how the reality, mental, physical and spiritual forces integrate and formulate the human reality as we see it. It therefore explores thoroughly the spiritual aspect of humans and transforms them into debatable discussions. The authors present direct questions such as, Are we seeing the world as it really is? What are thoughts made of? What is the relationship between our thoughts and our world? And Are we biologically addicted to certain emotions? The possibilities lie in the chapters of the book that offers intriguing insight into human reality. The book proposes that mind is in essence matter because we are what our mind tells us. As Budha puts it. All that we are is a result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become. The book also makes a mention of the controversial experiment by Dr.Masaru Emoto where he froze water as crystals and took certain photographs of it. He claimed that when the word love was uttered infront of these crystals they took shape of happier objects and similarly when sickness was mentioned the result was gloomy photographs. This however remains a very debatable experiment as one can argue that it is the observers perception into play and for the experiment to actually work, the observer should be unknown to the meaning of the words spoken. Besides this the book presents a different definition of the observer. The readers are made to wonder who actually is an observer and what influence does he have in deducing reality. It also presents different situations where experiences could have multiple outcomes depending upon the context in which they were viewed. It basically stresses on the fact that each individual plays an active role in shaping his or her reality and therefore one has to step forward and take ownership of responsibility. It goes a step further in the rabbit hole and aids us in confronting the key questions and then offers ample food for thought. The information provided in the book is easy to comprehend; like how the brain functions, how human emotions participate in the firm wiring of the manner we respond to situations in life etc. It encourages human to create their own lives rather than wasting their lives in search of somebody elses ides of life. As Henry D. Thoreau says, Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined. The book also offers insight into the field of quantum physics explaining in detail the various theories of the subject which are well presented with captivating illustrations and actual simulation of the right human brain. A common perception is that humans dont really experience first hand, in any manner, the quantum dynamics in everyday life. Given this understanding then there is no logic to wait for the human senses or the more alert intuition to develop to comprehend the quantum world with ease, the manner in which we perceive time, gravity, cause/ effect etc. This is another way of saying that the human brains are not able to appreciate the quantum mechanics, simply because of the fact that they never had to comprehend it till recent times. In short, the humans have utilized their intellectual capabilities to examine it as a highly sophisticated branch of physics. This rationale is not justified in practice as it does not permit the current days developmental self-actualizatio n debates at all. Quoting Amit Goswami, Every observation can be looked upon as quantum measurement, because quantum measurements produce brain memory. There is a sequence in how we see things. Our ideas of the memory of the past lead us to a perception of any observation of the present scenario which then transforms into a vision affecting or altering reality. Another strong domain of the book is the manner in which it explains the power of mind; how humans have the potential to enforce logic, rationale and significance on the haywire and self-centered universe that it survives in, abandoning the ingrained superior intellect and judgment in the course. As a society too, humans do not seem to realize that reality might not necessarily be instinctive and there might exist some superior authority out there which has a better agenda and logic for the human existence. Humans have a lot of information but there is a whole lot that they are unaware of, countless mysteries in the universe that instead of accepting they try to substitute with what they wish to be real and true. As Ramtha mentions, We are here to be creators. We are here to infiltrate space with ideas and mansions of thought. We are here to make something of this life. The most impressive thing about the book is its ability to drill down into practical subjects of demonstrating with the assistance of effects how supplementary things act with growing age. It surely makes a huge difference in ones way of thinking. It describes a strange yet intriguing world where it is said that matter cannot survive, despite the fact that it may make multiple appearances at the same time. It is only what the human mind wants to see making the difference between religion and science very bleak as the readers become aware that both these aspects of life point to the same concept. The authors claim that people can actually rewire their synapses and hence conceive a better vision or perception of their surroundings. The character in the book, Amanda is made to re-assess her life. As her seemingly dull life begins to untangle, she becomes aware of the uncertainty inherent in it and also of the quantum field that lay beneath what she deemed as her normal routine life. In this journey, Amanda is forced to admit that by really opening her mind and thoughts and seeing the world, her life transforms into something new altogether. She thus learns how to take control and transform her life by merely changing the manner in which she took the situations and circumstances she was in. Arntz says in this book, Most people think the outside world just happens. Were suggesting theres a big connection between what you think inside your mind and whats happening outside. There is a novel understanding revealed of the manner in which matter, molecules, energy, atoms, particles all work in our surroundings. There are scenarios where gravity does not hold good. There are things which can be classified as both particles and waves as opposed to common understanding of physics, electrons have the tendency to simply vanish into oblivion without any reason and all these things happen round the clock. If the universe in which the humans live in is so untamed and erratic, blossoming with possibilities then why such an inside the box approach to life and why chain our understanding and thoughts in any given spheres. REFERENCES: Arntz, William; Chasse, Betsy;Vicente, Mark 2005: What the bleep do we know, HCI. Bhagwati, Jagdish 2004: In Defense of Globalization, Oxford University Press. Bornstein, David 2007: How to Change the world: Social entrepreneurs and the power of new ideas. Capra, Fritjof 2005: The hidden connections, science for sustainable living, Harper Collins.
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